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Angel Howard
Angel Howard

Could The Holocaust Happen Again Essay

There is a lot of talk about, could the massacre of the Jews (Holocaust) happen again. In today's society there is a lot more violence than back before the holocaust occurred. Today with the technology rapidly changing in the military forces I believe that there is little possibility that the holocaust will happen again but I greatly believe that there may be wars just not a massacre of one person or people because the way they look or the relig ...view middle of the document...

could the holocaust happen again essay

W.I and was in dept. for the reparations they had to pay to the other countries for there destruction. Therefore Germany was desperate to gain back power and was willing to do anything to rebuild there society. Also other countries avoided Hitler's run at the world because they just got out of one war and didn't want to go into another. When Hitler saw this happening he decided to use propaganda to change the minds of the Germans and to persuade them to think that the Jews had all the money and to go on a killing spree and take the money from the Jews, then wipe them out. The technology is also a big factor when it comes to the holocaust. Today we have much more technology than back when the holocaust was in a uproar. Today much more people have technology devices around there houses that keep them up to date such as a radio, television and even computer's (Internet).Therefor all or most military areas have satellites or even radar to determine what's going on around them or even around the world. With all these factors such as radar, satellites and even TV's and radios I greatly believe that it would be almost impossible for another holocaust to roar around with the whole world keeping an eye on one another.

Message:Although not jewish ourselves our family life has been framed around the after effects of my husband never knowing his grandmother and his father spending his life coping with the fact that after leaving on the last kindertransport he never saw his mother again. The trauma transends generations which those without a personal connection do not understand.A child at school recently asked my 16year old son what it was like to be a jew. He came home and told me that he did not know how to respond.I explained to him that next time that happened that he should say that he never had the chance to know his grandmother because she was killed in the camps and that to make the experience personnal would help to bring the holocaust home as anunderstandable reality to those to whom it is already only history. We must not dwell on the past but it is vitally important to inform our children so that in their turn they will stand up and not let such attrocities happen again. We live in a small country town in which there are a few very narrow minded individuals and we have been called Jews as a dirogitory term over a minor neighbourly parking dispute. It was a sobering moment!

Message:I watched both the televised shows of Elie Wiesel's and Oprah Winfrey's trip through Auschwitz and the contest winners of the essay contest during my adult Bat Mitzvah class the past two weeks. I cannot begin to express my heartfelt thanks for bringing this , once again to the attention of so many. This essay contest was just phenomenal. Knowing so many h.s. students have been touched by this in so many personal ways is a reminder that they are the voice of our future. I truly believe they will lead a more willing world to stand up for and protect each other.

Message:I think that what happen during the Second World War and the concentration camp is a disgrace to the human race. I wish i could go back and time and rescued all of the Six million estimated Jews that were executed and the camps.

Message:I finished reading "Night" for a second time. Some people would say that Elie Wiesel's sentences are too simple and the descriptions are vague, but I don't think the general public could handle what Wiesel really saw. If Wiesel wrote down every detail, we would be much more disturbed upon finishing this masterpiece. Wiesel trusts his readers enough to know his hate, how cold the nights got, how the mind separates from the body, how men can turn into animals. Wiesel trusts us to go beyond his words, so that we can go as far as we can bear without frightening ourselves.Of course, we cannot understand in the slightest degree of what Wiesel went through. Perhaps we'll never know, no matter how learned we are of the Holocaust and how many tears we shed. Wiesel simply wants his readers, us, to know what happened in the twentieth century.What is more disturbing than reading about the deaths of the Holocaust is the death of Wiesel's faith in God. That was the most troubling part for me to read.

Message:Elie Wiesel's book, "Night" was one of the first books I had read on the Holocaust when I was in high school back in the mid 1970s. His painful and searing account of the unspeakable horror, known as the Holocaust is the single most defining event of the 20th century. The lessons of "Night" are as relevant today as they were when the Holocaust occurred and will be relevant as long as the world continues to exist. Within the hearts of mankind is both good and evil, love and hate and as long as hatred and evil can stir the hearts of men to commit such atrocities and engage in such barbaric tortures and mass murders then the lessons of "Night" will never be obsolete or outdated.It is incumbent on all those who have learned the lessons of "Night" to speak out against all injustices and hatred aimed at specific groups of people. I live amongst many Holocaust survivors, and the prevailing sentiment is that silence equals death. Had more people had the courage to actively oppose Hitler and pressure the free world to do so, perhaps the course of history would have been irrevocably changed. There are others who are devoutly observant Orthodox Jews, whose faith never dimmed during those nightmare years and credit their survival to the hand of G-d. Their view is that anti-semitism is a permanent part of and endemic to our society as it has been since time immemorial and no efforts towards stemming this insidious evil would have helped. There is no question that this view also has a great deal of validity and credibility as well in our times.This of course does not release us from the obligation to fight evil and hatred. For in the end, it is we who will suffer for not speaking out when we could and it is we who will suffer for not exhausting every effort to thwart movements predicated on mass extermination of any segment of our society. For those who believe in a Higher Power, we must believe that there will be an accounting and reckoning of our deeds and misdeeds on this earth and we will be asked by the Heavenly Court where we were and what we did to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. Their are sins of commission and sins of omission, to which we are held equally responsible. Apathy and fear and reluctance to act are not valid excuses. Let us not be guility of remaining silent and feigning ignorance when we have the ability to voice our outrage and indignation at those who would destroy our brothers and sisters.

Perhaps, though, we were on the right track by starting with electrical power. Most of our renewable-energy technologies produce electricity. In our own historical development, it so happens that the core phenomena of electricity were discovered in the first half of the 1800s, well after the early development of steam engines. Heavy industry was already committed to combustion-based machinery, and electricity has largely assumed a subsidiary role in the organisation of our economies ever since. But could that sequence have run the other way? Is there some developmental requirement that thermal energy must come first?

On October 18, 1945, the opening session of the first international war crimes trial in history took place in Berlin, Germany. Unable to find a suitable venue in the destroyed Nazi capital, the court soon moved to the city of Nuremberg (Nürnberg) in Bavaria, where the highest profile cases were heard in the aptly named Palace of Justice between November 20, 1945 and August 31, 1946. Over the course of nine months, the International Military Tribunal (IMT) indicted 24 high-ranking military, political, and industrial leaders of the Third Reich. It charged them with war crimes, crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit these crimes. Although many prominent Nazis, including Field Marshal Walter Model, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Adolf Hitler, committed suicide before they could be tried, the list of defendants at the trial included Admiral Karl Dönitz, Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, and Governor-General of Occupied Poland Hans Frank.

I have designed the new fountain as a mirror image of the old one, sunk beneath the old place in order to rescue the history of this place as a wound and as an open question, to penetrate the consciousness of the Kassel citizens so that such things never happen again . . . The sunken fountain is not the memorial at all. It is only history turned into a pedestal, an invitation to passersby who stand upon it to search for the memorial in their own heads. For only there is the memorial to be found. 5

The Anti-Defamation League says it like it is: Anti-Semitism in the U.S. is as bad as it was in the 1930s If you, like any average citizen, know what happened in the 1930s, you would know that is absolutely terrifying news. The late 1930s saw the Nazi regime kill about six million Jewish people. It saw a country commit genocide against the Jewish people. It saw a country continue to commit mass murders all the way up to the point of defeat. This is the type of behavior the current administration is excusing by not taking a stand against the neo-nazi groups popping up all over the country.


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